
Thursday, September 10, 2015

Organising the New Home

Hello there! It is Wan back on the blog. Today, I am going to show you how I use August’s fauxdori insert to help keep me organised on recurring home tasks.

I know I have been labouring this point to death, but we have just moved. In the course of decluttering and getting ready for the move, I discovered that I have really let certain things lapsed (like having all sorts of expired food sitting around – totally yucky! – and letting little E’s stuff get totally out of hand – hmmmmm….why is her 2 year old clothes still sitting around in the closet?), so I am determined to be better in our new place. I have been thinking about how I can sort out a system when my August Happiescrappie fauxdori kit arrived, and I figured that the blank insert would be perfect for the job (plus who wouldn’t like being cheered up by all the gorgeous makeup doodles while doing mundane household tasks?). So, shall we get started on how I went about creating my own home organisation insert?

I knew I wanted a title for each page, and 2 columns (one for the date I carry out the task and the other for any notes I might want to make), so I used panda tab stickers from a previous Happie Scrappie kit to mark the title and slim washi tape to make out my columns (as pictured below). 

Then, so that I can have an easy way of identifying tasks recurring at different intervals (monthly, 3 monthly and 6 monthly), I taped a small piece of washi around the edge of the page. 

I used different colours for tasks of different intervals – yellow for monthly, aqua for 3 monthly and pink for 6 monthly), and the picture below shows what it looks like when all the pages have been done. Some pages do not have washi tape on as I left some pages blank in between the different intervals, just in case I have other tasks to add in later. 

As you can see, this makes it easier to find the relevant pages.

To keep things even more coordinated, I also made sure that the colour of the panda tab sticker on any particular page coordinated with the colour of the washi (in fact, that was how I chose the three colours of the washi tape, because the panda tab stickers came in those colours).

Being quite a visual person, such colour coding works particularly well for me.

With the layout of each individual page completed, I then stamped the words “Date” and “Notes” in each of the two columns on all the pages I needed. This is so that I can easily see when the task is last done, and also any notes/reminders for the next time I do the same task (for example, chemical cleaning needed at next air-con servicing). 

After doing that, all there was to do to complete each page was to write in the relevant task on the panda tab sticker.

Once all the pages were done, I wrote an index list of all the tasks, separated by their colour codes, and taped it to the front of the insert (this colour coding system works brilliantly using the stickers that come with the kit because the stickers tend to come in matching colours every month). 

I then used the same dot stickers of the relevant colour to mark the dates that the tasks are to be done in a spare monthly fauxdori insert that I have and I did this for the upcoming six months. 

Now that I have all my recurring tasks scheduled for the next few months, I will be making sure I do not forget about this system by keeping both these inserts together with my daily planner. Seeing that this system will only work if I use it, I plan to refer to the monthly insert at the beginning of every month to check for any upcoming scheduled tasks. 

So there you have it, my own version of a home organisation tool. I hope the post has given you a few ideas to play with and if you do customise your Happie Scrappie fauxdori insert, do tag us on IG or post in our Facebook group, because we would love to have a peek! Have a great day and Happie planning!


Things that I used in this post. 

Happie Scrappie Notepad
Panda Tab Stickers
Round Dots Stickers
Skinny Washi Tape


  1. Its so pretty =]

  2. Wan, I love how you color code the pages to easily find what you are looking for.

    Looks gorgeous and organized!


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