
Friday, February 10, 2012

My Own Lil' World

After reading Joan's post on her lovely scrap space, I decided to share mine too. Ahh.. How I wish I have a proper scrapping space like her, a room of my own storing all my scrapbook tools & stash. Asking for a scrap room in a tiny flat in Singapore is kinda demanding and the worst bit is, we don't even have our own house =( We are lucky enough to have found this master bedroom adjoining common room in Central area with an unbeatable price + lovely landlord.

My not-so-neat scrap table

Basically I am scrapping on our coffee table, which is almost same height as my couch. I would have terrible backache if I have scrapping for hours. Anyway, nothing much to complain since I can have the coffee table on my own. And no one will complain or mess up with the stuff on the table if I were to leave my scraps & projects overnight. When I scrap, I have to keep myself occupied with TV series on either iPad or TV. That's why it takes me ages to complete a layout =P I just added a piece of glass on the top of the table so that it's easier for cleaning & doubles as glass cutting mat. I keep my most used tools - MS score board, paper trimmer, piercing mat, Crop-a-dile & washi tapes on the second layer of the table.

Oh well, I keep my collection of punches on the TV bench and gosh, I have already struggled with the storage of my 10+ punches!

I store my washi tape in this cutest-ever Donut container. I only have a few washi tape but I am kinda addicted to use them in most of my projects. They're oh-so-cute & versatile.

This is another small coffee table next to my couch. I keep some of my altered projects and my tool basket here. TV remote + Kindle as well =P Can you spot the small orange luggage & green bottle under the table? I keep photos in the luagge & some of my buttons in the bottle. I try to keep all my most used tools within my reach as my butt sticks to the couch when I started scrapping. 

Scissors, rulers, glue dots, distress inks, stamp cleaner foam dots in this basket. Spot the Magnum Mini box? It works as a lil dustbin for me to throw those lil bits & scraps from cutting & trimming & punching . 

From Left to Right: 12 x 12 albums, MAMBI kits, A4 papers + A4 sized card stocks, Thickers + embellishment stickers, 12x12 card stocks + some 6x6 paper pads, pattern papers, ribbons & twines. Thanks to Merdrey for sharing her tips on storing 12x12 papers in the MUJI box. 
I seriously doubt where can I find space for my supplies with the growing rate of my tools & supplies! And my Zutter BIA is on the way from US, i gotta find a space for it else I am gonna tuck it under my couch for easy-access! 

My other Prima flowers, brads, bulky embellishments & albums are kept in the box. Sharpies & some gel pens, stickles, mists & Cutterpede blades are kept in the luggages that I got from LSS. You can also see my huge collection on Amigurumi & Japanese craft books. Impressive huh? Frankly speaking, I can't read japanese =P I can only understand their crochet symbols and enjoy looking at the awesome pictures.

Found this awesomest-ever scrapbooking rule from Scrapbook Obsession yesterday and it totally rocks! I'm so gonna show it to Ethan to justify my spending on scrapbooking. 
Scrapbooking Rules of Acquisition – Rules to Live By
1. You want it, therefore you need it.
2. You need it, therefore you must buy it.
3. All other things you need including food, car insurance, and lunch money are incidental in comparison to what you need for scrapbooking.
4. “You can’t take it with you” applies only to money. Begin getting your loved ones accustomed to the fact that you intend to be buried with your scrapbooks.
5. If you think there is a ghost of a chance that you might use it in a future project, buy it now, because if you need it later, there won’t be a substitute.
6. A scrapbooker must purchase appropriate storage containers, shelves, bins, units, etc. all for scrapbook-related purchases.
7. A scrapbooker has the right and responsibility to discard all previously purchased storage systems in order to purchase a new more appropriate system at any time.
8. Scrapbooking is an inexpensive hobby. This can be proved by applying “Blondes Logic” to your purchases. For example, no hobby where the supplies usually cost under $100.00 can possibly be as expensive as big-ticket male hobbies such as restoring vintage cars, radio controlled planes etc. This just makes sense.
9. Scrapbooking actually saves money. Scrapbooking promotes do-it-yourself philosophy. By applying “Blondes Logic”, you can conclude you can’t afford not to scrapbook.
That's all for my scrap area for a  scrapbook newbie! Have a wonderful weekend ahead!


  1. WAhahaha.. Joan is one lucky women! I really love your donut container, where did you get it? Maybe i should do a blog post on my "scrap room" too. heee.

  2. ;)) that I've gotta admit that my husband is so "flexible"!
    I think we're using the same table btw.. From ikea? :)
    Love your donut container!!
    All my storage from daiso.. My Mecca for cheap storage!

  3. Yes Madey! U sold do a post! I love looking at people's scrap spaces!

  4. LOL!! my scrap room is my bedroom.

    Anyway Sam, i've awarded you the Liebster Award. Check out my blog!

  5. I do not have a dedicated scraproom either... Love the creative way you've stored your stash!

    P/s: I have magazines in languages I can't understand but pics I love! ;)

  6. Thanks all for the comments. The donut container is my Fave.
    Madey: I got the container @ plaza Singapura, The shop opposite Lao Beijing, very near MWL.\
    Joan: I didn't realize we are using the same ikea table until you mentioned that! ahahaha. You sit on the floor when you scrap? This table is too high for me if I sit on the floor. Or.. It's just that i'm too short =P


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