
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Whoops... This Is For Get Picky February Sketch Challenge

This month Get Picky has another fabulous sketch for February Sketch Challenge. Here's the sketch:

A super fabulous sketch that I would like use it to create more than 1 layout. Visit Get Picky's website to see the layouts by their DT and also wonderful submission from people all over the world.To be in the running to win all you need to do is upload and link your multi-photo layouts by midnight (Australian Eastern Standard Time) on February 28th. Do play along with this sketch challenge.

Whoops! I'm Sorry
I move 1 of the pictures to the right by not lining them up in a row as one of the picture is vertical. I still follow the overall sketch faithfully.

These are pictures of my dog - TinkerBell hid under the sofa after my mum scolded her. Couldn't recall what had she done but most likely she was begging us for food / tablescrap when we were having lunch in the office. YEs, mum used to bring the doggies to the office. These pictures are too cute to not put in a layout huh? I notice I have been looking through my Aperture Album more frequent (mainly to look for pictures to be scrapped) after i started scrapbooking, which is a good thing. I used to only take pictures, upload them to the laptop and leave 'em there and never-ever look at them. Unless those pictures were meant for the animal rescue group's blog / Facebook. I actually learn to cherish the precious moments and those cute pictures more!

Hand stitch the word ' Whoops!' on the tag. Similar to the smile tag by Amy Tangerine.

Other than buttons & washi tapes, I also love using doilies to embellish / layer my layout. Added another stitched heart on the side too. I just love stitching after I started scrapbooking. 

This is a very simple layout that I put together within 2 hours with the awesome sketch. I'm sorry to join the challenge again with doggies' picture. I have 10 times more dogs pictures in my Aperture album than human's pictures.

Thanks for visiting my blog. I love getting comments from everyone. Do leave me a comment so that I could visit your blog too. XoXo.


  1. Love your layout.Pets are always a great subject to scrap.Colours & embellishments you have used are a good combination & I like your background paper.

  2. Ooh, love all the things you've done with the Amy Tan line and the Get Picky sketch...especially love all the little bits of accents on the right...really beautiful!

  3. Ooohhh! I love your handstitching on the tag! Very clever use of the sketch! Thanks for playing along with us..x

  4. Sooo cute! Love the handstiching - fabulous work!!!


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