
Sunday, April 15, 2012

If You Can't Scrap, you SMASH**

I have been away for 10 days for my Taiwan Trip early of April and that explained why I did not update my blog for two weeks. And work has seriously taking a toll on my scrap life. >_< I have not been making a layout / cards for almost 3 weeks. Not to mention I have yet to sort + edit the pictures of my Taiwan trip. SMASH comes in handy when I could not allocate much time for my scrapping and I <3 how easy when every page comes together. *fast & quick* Me likey for my work-7-days-a-week lifestyle.

Cover for my 1st SMASH book. Yes.... more to come as I have 2 more SMASH books of different themes. Using lots of Paper Smoocohes stamps here. The theme of this Red SMASH book is doodle.

First page is very intimidating. I just added a paper-pieced bee & stamp some sentiments using my Paper Smooches stamp set. I stamped this at the boarding lounge while waiting for my flight to Taipei.

Page featuring the few days before my trip and the disaster that happened before my flight. Yea... I misplaced my passport & missed my flight. All thanks to the Singapore Airlines & finally I made it to Taipei with just 3 1/2 hours delay.

Nothing much here.... pasting down the maps for Taipei Metro & our very first Instax! Yay! Thanks to Ethan who got me a Instax mini that I have been longing for. 

Just writing down our 3rd day schedule.... We went for bridal shooting at various places in Taiwan. super tiring but fun fun fun! Can't wait to see the pictures of our shooting!

Junks that I collected throughout the photo shooting session. And yea, I bought some wash tapes too. Mc D's is a must try whenever we travel ;)

Taiwanese has a thing for stamping. I have seen many tourist traveling with a small note pad just to collect the stamps at the tourist centre / Metro stations / Train stations / tourist spots. So cute huh? 

One of my favorite page here. Train tickets & instax taken on the train to HuaLien.

This page featuring our day trip to Taroko Gorge. The scenery of Taroko Gorge is simply breathtaking. Will post some pics of my trip in the latersss. Many many stamps that I collected throughout my Taroko trip. 

Stamps and maps. 

One of my favorite page again. What I have seen : many many black dogs in Taiwan.
And what I have eaten: Ding Tai Fung etc.

Last day of the trip. Boarding pass are very rare nowadays as some budget airlines in Malaysia just use A4-print pass. Clarification: we didn't take business class here... I just took the tag from the Singapore Airlines check-in counter and think it's fun to stick it down here. 
And the blue-red-white striped envelope that I got from the hotel is so cute that I couldn't help sticking it down here.

My super favorite page here: Dedicated for the Taipei-Singapore flight, the haagen-dazs ice cream & in-flight movie that I watched. Doodle on the left page and the rabbit on the right page was carved by me. I attempted to carve a smily face for the rabbit but failed! So I just doodled the face for each stamped rabbit here.

*Live it up, Glue it down & SMASH it in*
I really love doing SMASH book now as I barely have time for scrapping a layout. Although I find that a Smash book is relatively expensive but the design & theme of the pages are so nice & well-corporated.

Just to share some of the pics I took during this trip. I carried 3 cameras (Instax Mini, Lumix GF1 & Fujifilm point-&-shoot) most of the time & tell me about how heavy the cameras are. 

a very cool artist that draws/paints using spray paint. I m still wondering why he didn't wear a mask when he is using spray paints?

Breath taking from JiuFen. 


Most of my friends know I am a animal-holic. I always take picture of the dogs/ cats that I met during my trip.


Taroko Gorge National Park 太魯閣國家公園. One of the must visit place when you go to Taiwan. Origin of the name for Taroko as quoted from Wikipedia: The name, Taroko, means "magnificent and beautiful" in Truku, the language of a local indigenous people group. Long ago a Truku tribesman saw the beauty of the azure Pacific when he walked out of the gorge. On seeing the magnificent scene, he cried "Taroko!". And so it became the name of the place, in a fashion not dissimilar to how the island, Formosa, got its name.
This picture was taken in Eternal Spring Shrine (長春祠)

Taroko Gorge. Lucky us that it was 'merely' drizzling when we were there.

One of the tunnel was closed due to bad weather and danger of rockfall.

The aboriginal lady was showing us their amazing weaving skill.

A pretty mutt @ Taroko Gorge. She is wearing a beutifully-weaved collar. 

Our wedding mascot @ Seven Star Lake, HuaLien.

Love this movie - Babe. Was watching it twice during my flight back home. I think I can never get bored of this. Now that I want a piggie so badly >-<

Awesome blue sky on the way home..... Aw... I was dreading going back to work after our Taiwan trip. 

That's all for this super long blog post. I guess I can only blog once a week nowadays if I ever get to scrap and take pictures. Thanks for reading ;) and have a awesome week ahead. 


  1. Memang animal holic... U are smashing good... I really have to think my version for my trip in July too... U make me think think and think... Hahaha :D don't be stressed up with projects.. It's a hobby and a responsibility :))

  2. OMG these are stunning,gorgeous details and colours.

    Easy to make.

    Wow...This is what i have been looking for and you have done a great job. Beautiful cards.


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