
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Warm Thoughts To Friends...

James is Ethan's Uni mates back in Manchester. James' wife (Gunjan) recently has delivered 2 premmies (at week 26) who weigh 1lb 13oz and 1lb 6oz each. Gunjan's doing much better after her surgery but her BP is still high, so she is on 5 different meds to try and control it. Hopefully she will be discharged from the hospital soon. 

Rohan, the bigger boy is off his ventilator and breathing on his own.  He seems pretty calm and usually has a hand down his diaper or grabbing his crotch like Micheal Jackson. While Krish (the smaller one) is very feisty and likes to punch his nurse when she changes his diaper. He is on a ventilator to help him breath. (Updated: James just emailed to say that Krish is now off his ventilator too! Hoo ray!) My own elder brother (who is now 29 y/o) was a preemies too. He was delivered at week 28, weighed 4lb 2oz. Mum told us how difficult it was to take care of a premmies. So I totally feel the situation J&G are facing right now. 

Me and Ethan thought of sending our warm wishes from Singapore to US with this bright and colorful card, hoping this would make their day.  

This card is made with only card stocks, no pattern papers. Will use this card to join Paper Smooches Card Challenge.
This card has a papa flower (with blue heart) and a mama flower (red lips + pink heart) which symbolize James & Gunjan. The three bees symbolized their elder daughter and Rohan & Krish the premmies. I want this colorful background to looks like a sunny day. Off to send our warm thoughts to James, Gunjan & the little ones. Get well soon. 

I spent almost 30 minutes just on the ray of light background and then I found  the tutorial of making this ray background from Simon Says Stamps. >_< And you can download the template here too!

Then I proceeded to make another 'belated' birthday card for my bestie, L.

 I am such a bad friend that have totally forgotten her birthday. >_< I made this card in order to make it up for her. I hope she <3 it. Love love love this pic taken in KLCC a few weeks ago when we had a quick catch up back in Kuala Lumpur. And all thanks to the awesome photographer, Cheryl =) You rocks, babe! 

Using only Paper Smooches stamps & card stock only. I love how the Birdies carrying tulips in their beaks. This card is inspired by Tkle Crafts' With Gratitude card
I am gonna use this card to join Simon Says Stamps 3rd Birthday Challenge. Wish me luck. I am drooling all over for their yummy prizes!

I am gonna share a tag made by Ethan. (p.s: Ethan is my husband, not son! ;) 
Us looking silly with funny frames in Taiwan 

I have no idea how he learnt how to use my paper trimmer, twines, inks and stamps. He spent quite some time doing it while I was taking my evening nap. I asked why did he draw a koala (a doggie) with big heart and me being so much shorter on the tag. =) I went Awwww...... when I saw this tag and knowing how he trying to use all my scrapping tools to came out with this card. Isn't he super duper sweet? Oh ya, he even used my SMASH date stamp at the back with some archival inks.

Okie dokie. I am super happy that I got to spent plenty of time to craft (and blog) during the National Scrapbook Weekend. I really need to catch up on Smashing my daily life. And I totally adore the idea of Ethan joined along by making a cute tag for me. Off to study now after I have been procrastinating a week.... my last re-sit paper on this Thursday. Wish me luck! XoXoXo

One of my favorite Studio Calico DT cum French Mixed media artist - Céline Navarro is giving away a spot on her Online Class. Here's the info on the class & the awesome give away:-

To celebrate this special day, I'd like to invite you to play and do a little game!
Cut and paste this message below on YOUR blog and come back here to comment with the link to your post : one winner will win a FREE ACCESS to our SUMMER CAMP 2012 online class
Bannière Summer Camp2012
Karine and Céline naturally got together again on this project to bring you inspiration, right at home, this summer ! Whether you want to follow every single class or at a self-paced rythm, they will teach you new techniques, new color palettes, new way of designing your layouts !
Who’s the audience for such a class?
This online class has been thought, made, created for scrapbook lovers that want to have fun with us !Whether you are a beginner or advanced scrappbooker, the Summer Camp online class is just for you !
The workshops have been made to guide you, teach you tips and tricks, new techniques, bring you inspiration and motivation all Summer long !
Don’t feel scared or intimidated to join us (especially if you just got started with your very first Scrapbook projects) : the best thing about online classes is that you can follow the mat your own pace, without stress, at home, with friends or by yourself…well just do it the way you like !
Welcome on our blogs !
Scrapbooking is popular everywhere in the world. Whether we are from France, Italy, Spain, Brazil, United States, Canada, Singapore, Australia or any other countries, we ALL love Scrapbooking, we all know the products and the colors.
As there are lots of Scrapbookers all the world that haven’t had a chance to take real classes yet, we decided on doing this class in FRENCH and ENGLISH.
Then, all the workshops will be posted every Tuesday : a first class will be posted that day, by Karine or Céline, then one of them will make another project inspired by the one posted by her fellow co-scrapbooker, on Friday. That way, you’ll get 2 projects for one class !
We’ll also post ideas, tips, step-by-step projects, videos… inspiration posts, music, books, photos…for 2 months !
Class starts on June 29th and ends on August 30th 2012.
18 layouts made by Karine and Céline.
2 mini albums (one with Karine and one with Céline).
A workshop posted every Tuesday and its inspiration posted every Friday by Céline and Karine : two different layouts to inspire you twice more ! It’s up to you to choose which layout you’d like to make or if you make them two !
Mini album Class with Céline end of July.
Mini album Class with Karine end of August.

Techniques, ideas, color combos, design, sketches tested and approved by Céline and Karine.
Like its name says it, the SUMMER CAMP online class will be SUMMER-themed : holidays, travels, family moments, time with friends, outdoors, water, kids…
Win amazing prizes all Summer long !
Every week, participate in our giveaways and win lots of goodies from our sweet sponsors !

2-months long online class (June 29-August 30) :  45€
Spend the Summer with us ! See you soon !
Céline & Karine


  1. Wahahaha! I always thought Ethan was your son!! opps!!

    Anyway, very cute birdie card! And i can see you are studying hard for your insurance exams. i'm going to start my engine soon....

  2. hahahahah Ethan is your son... hahahah... laugh die me... anyway i like your happy birthday card...muahaha~ hope you win the cardstock set.. ethan is trying to be crafty.. tell him he is clever with the twines...


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