
Thursday, August 16, 2012

There Goes My July

This is my top top FAVE layout among all the layouts and minis I created using the Studio Calico July Kit. This dark color pattern paper is something that I would skip if I have seen it in the scrapbook store. But being very very determined to try using up every piece of paper, button, embellies, I pushed myself to create a layout using this paper from Authentique.

A lot of layering been done here using all the leftover scraps as this is one of the last layout created with the kit. Can't help but keep adding embellishments as I do not wanna keep hoarding on the embellies. New CHA products are here and seriously there is no point hoarding on the 'old stuff' while I keep buying & buying! 

Layering and embellies overdose here! PRetty heavy layout but Love love it =)

Been having so much fun with 8.5' x 11' layout recently. I could create a layout under 2 hours, fully embellished with this compact size page. I love being a productive scrapper as I have so many pictures waiting to be put on a layout / album.

This is  another layout dedicated for our Bintan Trip. This is actually the very first layout I created using July kit. So I actually posted my 1st & last layout using July Kit here. I have been addicted to stamping and punching recently. Love adding stamps as embellies on the layout. 

Those are real sea shells but I didn't get them from Bintan. Another friend of mine bought it from Redang Islands for me. Hahahaha.

When was the last time you go for a vacation? And do share with me your layouts with interesting vacation pics too! =) TFL!

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